Poetry: These Are the Witness Marks by Moira J.

Moira J. has written a visceral love poem with “THESE ARE THE WITNESS MARKS”—full of bodytalk and imagery that burrows under your skin, makes your back itch. Notice the goosebumps, the old salt, the zodiac mouth, but also the lover and the nervous ticking we all have heard when waiting in our own “shy bedroom.” Moira has made for us a poem with surprising balance between powerful bodies, and tender desire.
Moira J.
moira j. is a writer of Dził Łigai Si'an N'dee descent. They were the winner of the 2018 Pacific Spirit Poetry Prize and were Frontier Poetry’s 2019 Frontier New Voices Fellow. They are published/forthcoming in The Shallow Ends, PRISM International, and Black Warrior Review. They currently live with their partner in the occupied Massachusett homelands of Nutohkemminnit (Greater Boston, Massachusetts). Their debut poetry collection, “Bury Me in Thunder” (January 29, 2020) is out now with Sundress Publications. You can find more of their work at www.moiraj.com, and on Twitter @mxmoiraj.