Poetry: Two Poems by Momtaza Mehri

When poems carry as much raw energy as these two by Momtaza Mehri, we feel the joy of riding language like a wild horse—all instinct and reaction and emotion on the edge, one joy to the next, with hardly a breath for thought. Beautiful, we inhale and become the “smoke under dresses.”
On Live Tweeting Judgement Day & Other Ways I Fail at Documentation

Summer Night Spent Cosplaying Ashanti & Ja Rule Or Something Else Resembling Happiness
Momtaza Mehri
Momtaza Mehri is a poet, essayist and radio scriptwriter. She is the co-winner of the 2018 Brunel International African Poetry Prize and the winner of 2019 Manchester Writing Prize. Her work has been widely anthologised and has appeared in Granta, Artforum, Poetry International, BBC Radio 4, Vogue and Real Life Mag. She is the former Young People’s Laureate for London and a columnist-in-residence at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art's Open Space. She has authored two chapbooks, and is currently working on Doomsday Gossip, an art book edited with Hannah Black, and her debut poetry collection.