Poetry: Foundling by Anna Seidel

“Foundling” by Anna Seidel: a poem that leaves room in the mouth for tonguing the edge of each sweet word.
In the evening, a scorpion in bed.
A cheerful and a sad wind blowing
across the room.
You kiss my forehead.
You with the cats and Jesus children.
Write – you say, and I spell out
a sweet word
on your tongue.
Anna Seidel
Anna, is a German-Dutch writer living in London and recent graduate in economics and philosophy at Harvard University and the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, as well as an incoming MFA student in Creative Writing at Oxford University. During high school she published a novella in German and successfully participated in short story competitions winning the A.E. Johann Literature Prize. Most recently, her poetry appeared in UK magazine Brittle Star and some of her poems are forthcoming in Stanford University’s Literature Journal Mantis. Further, her translations of German poet Else Lasker-Schueler were accepted for publication in The Anthropocene.