Poetry: Glossary for Healing by Munira Tabassum Ahmed

In “Glossary for Healing,” the speaker urgently seeks to uncover that which is wounded. Through the clever use of a poetic graph, we gain insight into several phases: birth, girlhood, revival and reprise.

Glossary for Healing




Munira Tabassum Ahmed

Munira Tabassum Ahmed is a 16-year-old writer. She has written for Best of Australian Poems 2021, Meanjin, Australian Poetry Journal, Sonora Review, SOFTBLOW, Emerging Writers’ Festival, Runway Journal, The Lifted Brow, Cordite, and elsewhere. She was a 2020-21 youth curator and moderator for the Sydney Writers’ Festival and an editor of Hyades Magazine. Recently, she co-hosted a Culture Makers Lab workshop with the Immigration Museum, Melbourne.

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