January 2020 Deadlines: 11 Contests and Magazines With Deadlines This Month

New month, new courage: submit yourself to these fellowships, magazines, awards and internships. Remember, too, acceptances and rejections are by-products of this journey—crafting your authentic art is the goal. And as always, submit poetry for free to our New Voices or Fellowship.
FEATURED: Palette Poetry’s Spotlight Award
Frontier’s sister mag Palette Poetry wants to shine a light on you! Their unique Spotlight Award offers publication, $2000, and a unique prize of a quarter page ad profiling you in Poets & Writers magazine. Send them up to three poems. Submit here.
Submission Fee: $20
Deadline: January 15th
Colorado Review Prize for Poetry
Colorado Review’s 2020 Poetry Prize is fast approaching! This year’s prize is judged by Kiki Petrosino, and is awarded to a previously unpublished, manuscript-length poetry collection. The author will also receive a $2,000 honorarium and have their work published the following Fall by the University Press of Colorado. Submission guidelines can be found here.
Submission Fee: $28
Deadline: January 14th
Tupelo Quarterly: General Poetry Submission
Tupelo Quarterly is a cross-genre, interdisciplinary, inter-awesome journal that accepts work in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, lyric essay, hybrid work, and visual art. They encourage submissions of any style or sensibility, and if you’re feeling frisky, simultaneous (but ask that you please let them know if work is accepted elsewhere). Send up to 5 previously unpublished poems here.
Submission Fee: $3
Deadline: January 15th
Driftwood Press: In House Poem Contest
Driftwood Press presents their very first poetry contest! This contest will look for 1 outstanding poem and writer to award $400, five copies of the issue they appear in, and an opportunity to participate in an interview to discuss their work. Five finalists may be accepted as well, each receiving $35, publication in the journal, and a free copy of the issue they appear in. Driftwood Press consistently publishes lush and provoking work, and has published authors such as Claire Agnes, Mark Jacobs, and Chen Chen. Don’t miss out on this one and send 3-5 poems here.
Submission Fee: $10
Deadline: January 15th
Third Coast 2020 Poetry Contest
Judged by poet Dennis Hinrichsen, Third Coast’s 2020 Poetry Contest offers a first place prize of $1,000 and publication at Third Coast, as well as publication consideration for any contest submissions. This magazine has been showcasing innovative and beautiful work in print since 1995, and would love to have the chance to see what you’ve created. Submit up to 3 poems here.
Submission Fee: $18
Deadline: January 15th
VCCA Steven Petrow LGBTQ Fellowship
The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts provides uninterrupted time and space for artists across disciplines, and the Steven Petrow LGBTQ Fellowship is a fully funded two-week residency through the VCCA’s Summer Residency Program available at any one of its two locations of Mt. St. Angelo and Moulin À Nef. Learn more about how you can give yourself time and space to work on your craft here.
Submission Fee: $50
Deadline: January 15th
Gigantic Sequins: General Poetry Submission
Though Gigantic Sequins lauds black and white artwork, the writing they publish is anything but monochrome. Known for their vivid and arresting publications, Gigantic Sequins currently prints their issues annually so don’t miss out on this opportunity to get on their digital Contributor wall of fame! Guidelines for submission can be found here.
Submission Fee: Free
Deadline: January 16th
2020 Undocupoets Fellowship
Launched by Sibling Rivalry Press, this fellowship annually grants two $500 fellowships to poets who are currently or were formerly undocumented within the United States. The fellowship aims to help lessen the cost of poetry-related submission fees, and guarantees that one of the fellowships will go to an undocupoet who identifies as LGBTQ+. More information on the fellowship and past recipients can be found here.
Submission Fee: Free
Deadline: January 16th
Split Lip Mag: General Submissions
This mag’s a bit tricky and unexpected, but that’s why we love them. Get ready for that new year, new poet feeling as January is one of Split Lip’s free open submission periods. Fond of irreverence and sticky pop topics, Split Lip wants you to send them 1 (and only 1) of your best unpublished poems. Like we said, bit tricky, but who doesn’t love a challenge? To get a better handle on their submission process, please mosey on over here.
Submission Fee: Free
Deadline: January 31st
Peach Mag: General Submissions:
Peach Mag is an independently run literary publishing project—project because they’ve got multiple fingers in many a jam jar and don’t just stop at their literary publications. They produce print anthologies, reading series, sponsor awards, host an apprenticeship program, and have the keenest, most hard-working volunteer staff one could ever meet. To find out more on how to send 1-3 of your juiciest poems, click here.
Submission Fee: Free
Deadline: January 31st
Crazyhorse Poetry Prize
Judged by Cyrus Cassells, the Crazyhorse Poetry Prize offers a cash prize of $2,000, publication, and a one year subscription to the journal. Their discernment as a lit mag who seeks “poems that capture [our] attention and enact the lyric utterance…poems that do not idly tell the reader how to feel or think but engender thought and feeling in the reader” has given them the opportunity to publish voices like Jamaal May, Shelly Wong, and Terrance Hayes. To make sure that you fully take this opportunity to demonstrate your craft, please read more about the guidelines here.
Submission Fee: $20
Deadline: January 31st