April 2023 Deadlines: 9 Contests and Magazines with Deadlines This Month

New month, new courage: submit your work to these fellowships, magazines, awards and internships. Remember, too, acceptances and rejections are by-products of this journey—crafting your authentic art is the goal. And as always, submit poetry for free to our New Voices. This list is powered by the deadline service Literistic!
Palette Poetry warmly invites all new and emerging poets to submit to The Rising Poet Prize! We will only accept submissions from poets who have not yet published a full-length collection at the time of submission. The winning poet will be awarded $3000, publication, and a brief interview in Palette Poetry. Second and third place will receive $300 & $200, respectively, as well as publication. The top ten finalists will be selected by Palette editors, and Guest Judge Maggie Smith will then select the winner and two runners-up from among the ten finalists.
Deadline: April 16 // Fee
The editors of West Branch welcome submissions of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and translation. We normally read unsolicited manuscripts between August 1st and April 1st. Please send no more than six poems or thirty pages of prose. We prefer to receive no more than two submissions from a single contributor in a given reading period. Payment is awarded for accepted works in the amount of $50 per submission of poetry, and $.05/word for prose with a maximum payment of $100. Additionally, we provide each contributor with two copies of the issue in which his/her work appears and a one-year subscription to West Branch.
Deadline: April 1 // No Fee
Manuscript must be an original work of poetry written in English. Manuscript must be at least 48 pages in length (not including foreword material). First Prize: $1500 and publication by Saturnalia Books. Two Alma book awards available in the sum of $1000 and publication by Saturnalia books. Submissions will be considered for both prizes.
Deadline: April 1 // Fee
Our Fall 2023 issue will be dedicated to poems written in response to prompts. The poems may be any subject, style, or length, but must have been generated by a writing prompt. Include a note beneath each poem briefly explaining what the prompt was and where it came from. We no longer publish essays, but always include a contributor notes section, where we ask in this case why you enjoy writing prompt poems. You may submit up to four previously unpublished poems (or pages of short poems) at the same time, either in a single file or up to four files. Do not include your name or contact info within the file content. Do not submit more work in this category until we’ve replied.
Deadline: April 15 // No Fee
Prose should be typed, double-spaced, and be no longer than 20 pages. You may submit up to 6 single-spaced pages of poetry per submission entry. Winners in each genre will receive $1,500 and publication in New Ohio Review 31 or 32. Pieces that are not selected will still be considered for publication. Judges: Megan Giddings (Fiction), Denise Duhamel (Poetry), Barrie Jean Borich (Nonfiction).
Deadline: April 15 // Fee
The Oxford American: Jeff Baskin Editorial Internship
The Oxford American offers a comprehensive editorial internship program. We have full-time and part-time positions available and offer a stipend of $2,500 per term. Internships begin in January, June, and September, though the program provides some flexibility for starting dates, and the opportunity for interested interns to extend their terms. For the near future, internships will be remote.
Deadline: April 15 // No Fee
The contest awards $1,500 and publication in Gulf Coast to the winner in each genre. Two honourable mentions in each category will be awarded $250. Submit one essay (twenty-five, double-spaced pages max), up to five poems (ten pages max), or one story (twenty-five double-spaced pages max).
Deadline: April 16 // Fee
We are looking for interesting, lovely unpublished work (unpublished as a whole; individual pieces may be published already of course), prose or poetry or some combination or something between genres, 18-44 manuscript pages (no more than one poem per page if you’re sending poems unless they are very, very short). Prize is $1000 plus 25 author copies and publication; finalist chapbooks also considered for publication (in 2020 we published five).
Poetry: Please send one to five poems and place them all in one document.
Deadline: April 30 // No Fee