Category: Poetry

Poetry: Oblivion Letter by Charles Kell

Charles Kell’s poetic missive leaps across associative gaps with subtle ease, tip toes through history, through violence. “Oblivion Letter” is all dark corners and boys named Night and is a little scary, to be honest—eyes gazing across the couplets like…

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Poetry: Mental Health by Kai Carlson-Wee

Kai Carlson-Wee’s single stanza poem lands on the page with weight and space and time. “Mental Health” works to unfold the banality of medicated routine, while never losing sight of the drugs that punctuate its hours, or the slow fog…

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Poetry: Two Poems by Duncan Slagle

Duncan Slagle pins his body to these poems, without seeking right or wrong—everything turns on the body. From the beautiful ghazal, to the simple couplets, Slagle shows a range of both voice and technique, with a consistent painful imagery threading…

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Poetry: the numbers don’t add up by Caroline DeLuca

We fell in love with this unique poem immediately—DeLuca’s “the numbers don’t add up” performs its subject by ingeniously motorizing the whitespace. Her hand-drawn arrows feel simultaneously like detective notes and choose-your-own-adventure directions, producing a tension that lifts up this…

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Poetry: Counting the Omer by J.L. Wall

J.L. Wall crystallizes here a dark passion on the bud of existential doubt—his poem, “Counting the Omer,” is a deeply familiar why God in the face of inexplicable tragedy, turning softly on Wall’s fresh imagery and sincere ambivalence.   Counting the Omer…

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