Poetry: Toni Morrison Speaks Posthumously on the Oprah Winfrey Show After an Audience Views When They See Us by Yolanda J. Franklin

In “Toni Morrison Speaks Posthumously on The Oprah Winfrey Show After an Audience Views When They See Us,” Yolanda J. Franklin recalls the history and prevalence of racism in America, specifically The Central Park 5 Case. Written with an alarming clarity, Franklin debunks racist talking points like “It has nothing to do with race,” by showing that “Whiteness/ is a master magician.” We must not let the trick be on us.
Toni Morrison Speaks Posthumously on The Oprah Winfrey Show After an Audience Views When They See Us
Yolanda J. Franklin
Blood Vinyls (Anhinga Press) is Yolanda J. Franklin's debut poetry collection that Roxane Gay insists is a "must-must-must read." Franklin is a three-time Fulbright Scholar Award Finalist (’19, ‘18 & ‘17), and a Cave Canem, Callaloo, and VONA Fellow. Franklin is a third-generation Floridian, born in the state's capital—Tallahassee.