Category: Daily

The Frontier OPEN — Winner & Finalists

Congratulations to the winner and finalists of the 2017 Frontier OPEN and an enormous thanks to everyone who submitted. We saw an incredible number of submissions and the quality of writing was extraordinary. Thank you, also, for your patience while…

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Chapbook Contest is Open for Submissions!

We are so excited to announce that our 2018 Digital Chapbook Contest for emerging poets is now accepting submissions! $2000 Award Distribution to tens of thousands of readers, editors, magazines through our newsletter Digital publication with Frontier For guidelines and submission…

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Frontier Poetry — Eyes on 2018

Another trip around the sun, another opportunity to do something new: 2018 is going to be a good year, full of assertive hope and reckless joy—like a puppy with a shotgun.   What are we doing in 2018 at Frontier?…

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Frontier Poetry — Year of Poems 2017

Reflection, meditation, screaming into pillows at Grandma’s house: the holidays can both be hard and soft and everything in between. And into that, gently, we’d like to remind you of all the beautiful, unbelievable, joyful, striking poems we have had…

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The Award for New Poets — Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of Frontier Poetry’s Award for New Poets and an enormous thanks to everyone who submitted. We saw an incredible number of submissions and the quality of writing was extraordinary. Thank you, also, for your patience while…

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2017 Award for New Poets Shortlist

Congratulations to the twenty-five poets chosen for our 2017 Award for New Poets shortlist! The following poems were sent to Tyehimba Jess for final selection and the winners will be announced on or before January 1, 2018. Thank you again…

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