Category: Poetry

The 2018 OPEN — Winners and Finalists!

Congratulations to the winners of Frontier Poetry’s 2018 OPEN and an enormous thanks to everyone who submitted. Thank you, also, for your patience while we reviewed all the extraordinary work. A BIG round of applause to Mark Wagenaar, the winner of…

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Poetry: Mirage by Andrew Mobbs

Andrew Mobbs here reveals that uncomfortable truth: violence is seductive. A poem of war and explosion and desert, “Mirage” lingers beyond the edges of traditional combat poetry to deliver the experience and mind of today’s newly defined wars.   Mirage…

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Poetry: High Heels by Nene Giorgadze

It shouldn’t be a surprise that a shoes can serve as such luminous tissue between cultures—here, Nene Giorgadze, a Georgian poet, covers them with sperm, with desire, with silence and nostalgia. “High Heels” is both an ode and a surrender,…

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Poetry: Christmas alla Romana by Anthony Tao

How can you a poet write of Rome without writing of its food? Anthony Tao takes us on a sprint through the spaghetti, the pandoro, the Caravaggio—we devour the language of “Christmas alla Romana” as we would the delicacies of…

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